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[모집] The University of Pittsburgh Hesselbein Global Academy Summer 2024 선착순 모집

Submitted by Editor on 12 March 2024
[모집] The University of Pittsburgh Hesselbein Global Academy Summer 2024  선착순 모집

Program Timing & Deadlines:

  • Student Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 30th
  • Travel Itinerary Submission Deadline: Friday, June 28th
  • Arrival Date for International Students: July 18th (limited housing available on July 17th)
  • Hesselbein Global Academy: July 19th - July 23rd
  • Departure Date: After 3 pm EST on July 23rd (limited housing available until July 24th)

    Student Application: Qualified students from your institution can apply for the program using the following link: (4/22 선발된 학생들만 신청하시기 바랍니다)
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