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AUA-Universiti Malaya Overseas Study Program 2023 - Shaping A Sustainable Future Through Application Of Knowledge-Based Smart Materials 안내

Submitted by Editor on 20 June 2023

우리대학의 협력기관인 AUA에서 다음과 같이 안내하오니, 관심있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. 

AUA-Universiti Malaya Overseas Study Program 2023 - Shaping A Sustainable Future Through Application of Knowledge-based Smart Materials

It is a program to be conducted in person. This program was approved by the Board in 2020 and postponed due to the pandemic. 

The workshop aims to impart knowledge to young talents focusing on the design of smart materials for specific applications in environmental sustainability. Led by experienced researchers at the host university, the workshop will provide valuable outcomes, including the acquisition of knowledge and the enhancement of technical abilities by the participants. These efforts will contribute to the development of highly trained individual material scientists who can make significant contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals addressing environmental challenges faced by the world. The workshop seeks to create a lasting benefit for the participating young talents, equipping them with the necessary skills and expertise to designing smart materials with a focus on sustainability, contributing to multiple SDGs, fostering innovation, responsible consumption, environmental stewardship, and overall progress towards a more sustainable future.

신청 기한: 2023년 6월 30일(금) 오후 2시 까지

문의: 국제협력본부 김유리 (, 02-880-4357), 프로그램 관련 

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