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2014 Silk-Road Scholarship Guide for International Students (2014 실크로드 장학금 신청 안내)

Submitted by Editor on 11 February 2014

We are pleased to announce the call for 2014 Silk-Road Scholarship application.

The Silk-Road Scholarship Program is jointly funded by the SBS Foundation and Seoul National University, established in Fall 2009.

This program is designed specifically for students wishing to study Humanities and Social Sciences.

Currently the scholarship is awarded for five students annually with financial assistance covering the cost of full tuition fees and living expenses.

Students from countries located in the area of the Silk-Road may apply. We believe that education and training of scholars in Humanities related to Korea and Social Sciences is not only central to expanding the international base of Korean studies, but also essential to strengthening global competitiveness of education and research.

To this end, this program intends to promote, support, and contribute to:
• expansion of the field of Humanities as a fundamental area of study which was under-funded due to the development of technology field
• supporting education and research for international students


Please download the attached guidelines and application forms.
Interested candidates should send an application and other relevant documents to (by post or in person):
Ms. Jina Yoo (International Scholarship Officer)
Office of International Affairs(Bldg.#152)
Seoul National University
1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 151-742
Tel: +82-2-880-2519




아시아 및 개발도상국 출신 인문사회계열 우수 외국인 대학원 신입생을 지원하기 위한 2014학년도 실크로드 장학 프로그램의 선발 계획을 붙임과 같이 공고하오니 동 프로그램의 취지에 맞는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.


1. 장학금명 : 2014학년도 실크로드 장학 프로그램

2. 지원분야 : 한국어, 역사, 문화, 정치, 경제 등 인문사회과학

3. 지원과정 : 석사 또는 박사과정

4. 선발인원 : 2014학년도 후기 입학예정자 5

5. 지원내역

등록금 : 최대 4개 학기 등록금 전액

생활비 : 최대 2년간 생활비 월 60만원 지원

항공료 : 1회 왕복항공료 최대100만원 지급

한국어연수 : 한국어과정 등록금 2회 지원(150만원*2= 300만원)

6. 신청마감 : 2014. 3. 21.() 18:00

7. 신청방법 : 국제협력본부로 우편 혹은 방문 제출

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