안중근의사기념관은 대한의 영웅이자 동양평화론을 저술하신 안중근의사의 사상과 정신을 국내외 젊은 학생들에게 계승·발전시키고자 “안중근 글로벌 한국사 워크숍”을 진행하고 있습니다.
가. 학생수 : 미국학생 0명, 일본학생 0명, 한국학생 0명
나. 마감일 : 2017년 5월 17일(수)
다. 추천기준 :
- 서울대학교 학부 및 대학원 학생
- 영어 토론 가능자
라. 워크숍 기간:
- 1차 서울행사 : 2017. 7.30.~8. 2.(3박 4일)
- 2차 일본행사 : 2017. 9. 9.~9.13.(4박 5일 예정)
마. 참가비 : 없음(단, 2차 일본행사시 약간의 비용이 발생할 수 있음)
바. 제출서류
- 재학증명서, 성적증명서 각 1부
- CV, 자기소개서 각 1부
사. 신청 및 문의처 : 서울대학교 국제협력본부
- 연락처: 02-880-2519, snuoia@snu.ac.kr
- 주소: 서울시 관악구 관악로 1 서울대학교 CJ국제관 (152동) 2층
Global Korean History Workshop:
The emergence of modern nations and the desire for peace in Asia
In the closing days of the Joseon dynasty, Koreans faced serious challenges to their nation’s independence, particularly Western and Japanese imperialism. Moreover, a host of new ideologies, including civilization and enlightenment thought, nationalism, Pan-Asianism, and Social Darwinism offered, different, and at times conflicting solutions, over how Koreans should meet these challenges. One particularly creative thinker, Junggeun Ahn, developed his own unique synthesis of these ideologies together with Confucianism and Catholicism, in an effort to build a peaceful, modern East Asia in which China, Japan, and Korea would cooperate in a mutually beneficial way. This workshop will explore Ahn’s synthesis through a study of relevant artifacts, exhibits, and historical documents related to Ahn, as well as discussions and lectures, and provide an opportunity for conversation about the application of Ahn’s ideas to the contemporary world.
When: July 30th thru August 1st, 2017
Venue: Ahn Junggeun Memorial Museum
And Sungkyunkwan University
Lecturer: Dr Franklin Rausch (Lander Univ.)
Participants: students from the U.S.A., Japan, and Korea
Moderator: Jieun Han, Academy of East Asian Studies, Sungkyunkwan University
Currently enrolled students, citizens of Korea, U.S.A. and Japan
- online (snuoia@snu.ac.kr)
- deadline May 17th, Wednesday, 2017
Required documents
- Certificate of enrollment
- Official transcript
- CV and Personal statement
- 02-880-2519