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Call for Application for SNU Summer 2020 Visiting Student Program / 2020학년도 하계 계절수업 국외대학 외국인 방문학생 수강 모집

Submitted by Editor on 20 April 2020

서울대학교의 2020학년도 하계 계절수업 수강을 원하는 국외대학 외국인 방문학생을 모집합니다.
1. 자격요건 : 국외대학 재학 중인 외국 국적의 자(한국어 가능자, 필요 시 관련 증명서류 추후 제출 요구 가능)
2. 신청마감 : 2020. 4. 24.(금)
3. 제출서류 : 지원서, 재학증명서, 여권 사본
4. 제출방법 : 국제협력본부 신재연 담당자(로 서류 제출
* 자세한 내용은 첨부파일을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다.

** 코로나19 상황 및 법무부, 교육부의 관련 지침에 따라 합격 후에도 외국인 방문학생의 수학이 제한될 수 있습니다.
SNU offers a visiting student opportunity for overseas foreign students to join SNU’s Summer 2020 session to take a few undergraduate or graduate courses. Please note that most of the courses are offered in Korean language only.
1. Eligibility: Non-Korean national who is currently studying at an overseas university (Fluent level of Korean language proficiency required)
2. Application Deadline: Friday, April 24, 2020
3. Required Documents: Application Form, Certificate of Enrollment, Passport Copy
4. Submission by e-mail: Attn. Ms. Jaeyeon Shin (, Office of International Affairs
* Please make sure to refer to the attached files for more information.

** Notes for COVID-19

- Depending on the COVID-19 situation, course availability may change.

- Accepted visiting students must comply with the latest immigration policy, especially entry and self-quarantine requirement. In case the government publishes strengthened regulations, your study opportunity may be restricted.

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