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Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship for Fall 2022(2022학년도 2학기 현대차 정몽구 글로벌 장학사업 안내)

Submitted by Editor on 28 June 2022

We are pleased to announce the call for Fall 2022 Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship. Please see details of the scholarship below and apply within the designated period.


1. Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship

This scholarship is given by the Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation to foster outstanding graduate students and enhance mutual friendship between ASEAN countries and the Republic of Korea.


2. Eligible Applicants (must meet all the below requirements)

- Status: Graduate students who have admission to Seoul National University for 2022 Fall semester

- Nationality: Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos (not applicable for those who hold Korean dual citizenship)

- Major: Business/Economics, Natural Science and Engineering (Related field: Intelligence information technology, Bio-health, New energy industry), Korean language/studies


3. Candidates to be selected: 5 persons


4. Scholarship Benefits

- Full tuition,Study Allowance (KRW 1,000,000 monthly), Settlement allowance (KRW 2,500,000 one time), Completion Grant (KRW 1,000,000 upon successful completion of degree)

- Invitation to Foundation scholarship events (exchange camps and seminars)

- Participation expenses for overseas academic conferences, and additional scholarships (separate notices and guidelines will be given)


5. Scholarship Period (supported within the normative period)

- Master's degree program: maximum 4 semesters

- Combined master’s and doctorate program: maximum 10 semesters

- Doctoral degree program: maximum 8 semesters

Scholarship recipients must have a 3.3/4.3 GPA at the end of semester to continue eligibility for the second semester.


6. Required Documents

- Application form (use attached form)

- Consent to Collection, Use, and Disclosure of Personal Information (use attached form)

- Academic Tran'script' and Graduation Certificate (for Doctoral degree students, both Bachelor’s and Master’s)

- (if applicable) work certificate, language certificate


7. Deadline

- Submission to OIA by an electronic official 'document' from the applicant’s college by July 8th(Fri.), 2022

1) Submit required 'document's to your designated college’s administration office (see list below for details)

2) Please contact the administration office of your designated college regarding submission deadlines to your college’s administration office.

* Important: Early submissions are strongly recommended so that the college’s administration office can prepare to submit your 'document's by an official 'document' to the OIA.


8. Online Interview: During July 2022 (only those who’ve passed the screening of 'document's will be contacted)


9. Final announcement of results: to be announced by e-mail during early August (only those who passed the final screening will be contacted)


PLEASE NOTE: Students selected for the Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Global Scholarship must pay for their entrance fee and tuition fee and register for their first semester at SNU during the registration period(or the pre-registration period). The paid tuition fee amount will be reimbursed to the students’ bank account after about 1~2 months. Starting from their second semester at SNU, the scholarship students’ tuition fee will be waived during the registration period and they do not have go through the payment process.

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