우리대학의 협력기관인 APRU에서 다음과 같이 안내하오니, 관심있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다.
Students joining the Esports Fellowship program will be able to:
- Create an immediate and lasting impact on their Esports student communities.
- Connect with students in the Pacific Rim.
- Learn about Esports tendencies.
- Share best experiences and learn from other peers.
Please invite your students to the last edition of the APRU Esports Fellowship Program. More information about the program can be found here.
Furthermore, we would like to invite you to the upcoming ‘APRU Games and Esports webinar series’: “Exploring the Esports Live Streaming Experience” on May 20. To learn more about it and register, visit: https://www.apru.org/event/apru-games-and-esports-webinar-series-may-2023/
문의: 국제협력본부 김유리 (yrkim25@snu.ac.kr, 02-880-4357), 프로그램 관련 david.quimbayo@apru.org
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