Welcome to "Loving Korea" & Knowing well about Korea"
For more information, please refer to the following article and poster!
?Event date : September 16, 2023 (Sat) 10:30~12:00
?Venue of the event : Yeouido Park Culture Plaza
?Qualification to apply : Foreigners from ages 19~34, who live in Korea (*Dual-citizenship holder and 1/2 generation Korean American are not allowed to participate)
?Application Period : 2023.09.15 (Fri)
*On-sight application available On 9.16
?Events Perks
-Issuing a certificate of participation for all participants
-Recognize four hours of volunteer work (1365)
?Award Information
- 1st: 국회외교통일위원장상 / 1,000,000won
- 2nd: 국회의원상 / 500,000won
- 3rd: 국립국제교육원장상 / 300,000won
?Application link
⚠Other Inquiries
-Hardwired : 02-780-3939
-Email : youth-day@ynf.or.kr
-Kakao Talk Plus Friend 'Youth and Future'
아래는 해외청년퀴즈대회에 관한 내용을 확인할 수 있는 인스타그램 링크입니다.
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