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Global Peace Summit at the United Nations-Bangkok, Thailand 안내

Submitted by Editor on 11 September 2023

Global Peace Advocate에서 다음과 같이 안내하오니, 관심있는 학생들의 많은 지원 바랍니다. 


Highlight of the Peace Summit - The Humanitarian Affairs Peace Ambassador 

The Humanitarian Affairs Peace Ambassador is a unique opportunity offered to delegates following their attendance at the Peace Summit of Emerging Leaders. The role is voluntary and is a one year self-directed, initiative that allows delegates to serve in the promotion of peace efforts in their own community. We have a strong belief that Seoul National University possesses a cohort of dedicated students eager to engage in peace-building initiatives, potentially serving as exemplary Peace Summit Ambassadors to represent your esteemed institution. Moreover, considering your university's mission to nurture global leaders committed to human rights and driven by compassion, we are confident that students from Seoul National University would be an excellent match as emerging advocates for peace.


Speaker Highlights 

I am pleased to provide you with the attached program schedule, which I believe will be of great interest to you and your team. I wanted to take a moment to highlight a few of the distinguished speakers who will be gracing the Peace Summit. Notably, we are honoured to host Kishore Mahbubani, a former President of the UN Security Council, whose insights promise to be invaluable. Additionally, a survivor of the Holocaust, Tova Friedman, will share her remarkable journey of resilience amidst painful circumstances. Furthermore, our lineup includes Ayik Chut Deng, who will share his deeply moving experience as a former child soldier in war-torn South Sudan. Their contributions promise to enrich our conference profoundly.


Registration Fee (제공 내역)

To help aid in your discussions about support for students as well as disseminating information to students, allow me to offer some insight into what the fee includes: 

-       4 night accommodation with a twin or triple sharing basis 

-       Main meals:  4 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and 5 coffee breaks 

-       Transportation to and from the hotel to the UN Conference Centre 

-       An electronic copy of the Certificate of Participation


Please fill out the attached application forms to Ms. Jenni Nam via -> Review their applications before passing it onto the selection committee. If they are accepted, they should expect to receive an acceptance letter from the Secretariat within 3-5 working days.


the criteria we will be judging on:


-       Outstanding leadership skills and experience

o   When we say outstanding leadership skills, we are primarily looking for those in roles or positions that students are holding or have held in the institution, community, or other relevant organizations. This can include a range of school clubs, student government, community service, and any role where they have showcased their leadership skills. While these are valuable, we are also interested in the potential and motivation of students to contribute to peace-building efforts in the future.

-       Passion about peace building and social change

-       An open mind where they are willing to network with others

-       Driven and committed to learning



서울대학교 총 7명 선발 예정


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