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[홍보] 2023 Ski Class with Korean Friends by KAIAS (First-come, first-served)

Submitted by Editor on 4 December 2023

The Korean University Administrators' Association for International Students Admissions and Services is hosting a Ski Class for students.

Application is on a first-come, first-served basis. 


1. 일 자 : 2023.12.18.(월)~12.20.(수) / 2박 3일 Date: 2023.12.18.(Mon)~12.20.(Wed) / 2 nights and 3 days


2. 인 원 : 100명(외국인유학생 50명 / 한국인학생 50명) / 선착순 모집 Number of participants: 100 (50 foreign students / 50 Korean students) Recruitment on a first-come, first-served basis


3. 장 소 : 하이원리조트( Venue: High 1 Resort (


4. 참가비 : 개인별 230,000원 Participation fee: 230,000 won per individual 2박 3일 동안의 모든 경비 포함(교통, 숙박, 식사, 리프트, 렌탈, 강습_의무, 보험) Includes all expenses for 3 days and 2 nights (transportation, accommodation, meals, lift, ski rental, lesson obligations, insurance) 불포함 사항(옵션) Not included (optional) 1) 보드 추가시 10,000원 / Ski => Board change 10,000 won 2) 스키복 렌탈 25,000원 / Ski suit rental 25,000 won 3) 장갑 구매 10,000원 / Glove purchase 10,000 won 4) 고글 대여 15,000원 / Goggle rental 15,000 won


5. 신청기간 : 2023.11.20..(월)~2023.12.13.(수) / 선착순 Application period: 2023.11.20..(Mon) ~ 2023.12.13.(Wed) First-come, first-served basis


6. 신청방법 How to apply

1) 구글 폼에 참가 신청 등록 Register participation application in Google form

2) 선착순으로 신청자에게 참가비 납부 이메일 발송 Email requesting payment of participation fee is sent to applicants on a first-come, first-served basis

3) 참가비 납부 확인 후 자세한 안내사항 이메일 송부 Detailed instructions will be sent via email after payment of participation fee is confirmed.


7. 상세일정 Detailed schedule


08:30~12:00 Departure(Konkuk Univ. Seoul)

12:00~13:00 Lunch Private lunch at highway rest area

13:00~14:00 OT / Equipment rental

14:00~17:00 Lessons / Free Skiing

17:30~18:30 Dinner Group restaurant

19:00~21:00 Recreation (making friends)

21:00~ Rest and sleep


08:00~09:00 Breakfast Group restaurant

09:00~12:00 Lessons / Free Skiing

12:00~13:00 Lunch Group restaurant

13:00~17:00 Free Skiing

17:30~18:30 Dinner Group restaurant

19:00~21:00 Free Skiing

21:00~ Rest and sleep


08:00~09:00 Breakfast Group restaurant

09:00~11:00 Free Skiing

11:00~12;00 Equipment return

12:00~13:00 Lunch Group restaurant

14:00~18:00 Arrival(Konkuk Univ. Seoul)


8. 참가자 주의사항 Participant precautions

1) 행사 기간 음주를 하지 않습니다. No drinking during the event.

2) 범죄행위를 하지 않습니다.(성폭력 관련 포함) I do not commit criminal acts (including those related to sexual violence).

3) 참가자 모두의 안전을 위해 안전수칙을 지킵니다. Safety rules are followed for the safety of all participants.


9. 주최(Host): 한국대학유학생유치관리자협의회(KAIAS) / 02-450-3074

The Korean University Administrators' Association for International Students Admissions and Services

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