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영국 옥스포드 대학교 Exeter College Tutorial Programme 안내

Submitted by Editor on 29 November 2022

영국 옥스포드 대학교 Exeter CollegeTutorial Programme을 다음과 같이 안내드리오니, 관심 있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다. 


1. 참가비용 

 - 신청비용 60파운드 

 - 수강료 1,840파운드 

2. 진행방식 

 The Exeter Oxford Tutorial Programme(EOTP) is a unique opportunity to experience Oxford's world-renowned tutorial system with the added convenience of studying remotely from anywhere in the world. Usually in small group of 2 or 3, known as 'tutorials', which emphasise depth of knowledge and critical thinking. To achieve this, you will work 1-to-1 with your tutor, producing a body of high-quality research work over 6-8 weeks. 

3. 신청 및 프로그램 안내


붙임 프로그램 안내 책자 1부. 끝. 

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