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Join the Korean National Insurance NOW! (외국인유학생 국민건강보험 혜택사항)

Submitted by Editor on 26 February 2015






Dear International Students with D2 Visa,


Hello,this is from the International Office (I-Office) in the Office of InternationalAffairs (OIA).


We are happy to inform you that the National Health Insurance Cooperation (NHIC) has decided to exempt payment for your previous residence in Korea if you join the National Health Insurance (NHI) from March 2nd to April 30th, ONLY if you are an international student with D2 Visa. In the past, international students had to pay their insurance fee based on the time of theirarrival to Korea and not on the time of their application to NHI. (i.e., astudent who arrived in Korea on September 2014 and wishes to join NHI on March 2015, had to pay for all of her/his previous 6-month stay).


If anyone is interested in joining NHI, please visit the nearest branch of NHIC from March 2 to April 30 to get this benefit. Please visit ( to get to the nearest branch of NHI in Seoul and Gyeonggi areas. You may also get assistance in English at 02-390-2000. Also, please visit our website ( for more detailed information of NHI.


We hope you takegreat interest in this since it’s a one-time offer. Live healthier and stay happier during your stay in Korea.


Thank you!





안녕하세요, 국제협력본부에International Office (I-Office)입니다.


국민건강보험공단(NHIC:National Health Insurance Cooperation)에서 201532일부터 430일까지 국민건강보험(NHI: National Health Insurance)에 가입하는 외국인 유학생(, D2비자 소지자에 한함)에게 소급 부과되는 보험료가 없이 가입이 가능할 수 있도록 한다는 공지가 나왔습니다. (본래 2014년도 9월에 입국하여 2015년도 3월에 보험 가입을 원하는 학생들은 지난 6개월 간의 보험료를 소급 부담했어야 했음)


국민건강보험에 가입을 원하는 학생들은 32일부터 430일에 가장 가까운 국민건강보험공단 지사를 방문하여 가입하는 것을 권고해드리는 바이며, 지사 위치는 홈페이지(를 확인 바랍니다. 상세한 상담은 직접 전화(1577-1000)를 통해 확인 가능합니다.


모두 좋은 기회 되길 바라며, 유학 동안 건강하시길 바랍니다. 고맙습니다.


I-Office Contacts: / 02-880-4447


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