독일 TU Darmstadt "Summer School Programme"
1. 기간
2018. 7. 1. ~ 7. 28.
2. 내용(첨부파일 참고)
The International Summer School Programme consists of four components:
1. Engineering Courses, Workshops (Automotive Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering and Production Engineering) as well as Excursions to German companies
2. Intensive German Language Courses on A1, A2 and B1 level
3. Intercultural Competence Training on Working and Studying in Germany
4. Social Programme and Excursions
총 8ECTS 취득(=미국, 캐나다 기준 4학점)
3. 자격요건
공과대학 전공 학부생
※ 등록금 면제 장학금 정보:
The total costs are € 2,200, but we are glad to be able to grant 2 of your excellent students a programme fee waiver. For these students the discounted fee is € 1,350.
4. 지원 마감일
개별 지원: 2018. 4. 4.까지 신청 학생이 TU Darmstadt 측으로 지원서 및 서류 이메일 제출
※ 장학금 지원: 2018. 3. 31. 전까지 국제협력본부 담당자에 문의(신재연, 880-8692, colormysoul@snu.ac.kr)
- An informal nomination by the international office of our partner university via e-mail to: summer@pvw.tu-…
- Students will then need to fill in the application form and send it until 4th of April 2018 to: summer@pvw.tu-… including the following items:
- CV (short)
- Copy of passport
- Transcript of records (unofficial)
- Motivation letter (max. 1 page)
5. 담당자 연락처 및 웹사이트
Christoph Gobel
E-Mail: goebel.ch@pvw.tu-darmstadt.de
※ 2. 27. 프로그램 아웃라인 붙임 문서 추가