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일본 동경대학교(University of Tokyo) Information session 행사 안내

Submitted by Editor on 31 October 2022

동경대학교 행사 Experience Excellence at UTokyo - A Student & Alumni Discussion from UTokyo New York Office 행사를 다음과 같이 안내드리오니 , 특히 교환학생에 관심있는 학생들의 많은 참여 바랍니다. (홈페이지에서 사전 등록 필요) 


 - 일시: 11월 14일(월) 오전 7:45 -9:25

 - 주제: 

Why UTokyo? Alumni and Student Discussion on UTokyo:

·General profile of the University of Tokyo

·Discussion with current and former UTokyo students

Three UTokyo alumni and one current graduate student who also previously participated in UTokyo GUC discuss their life at UTokyo. The moderator is Professor Yujin Yaguchi, Vice President of the University of Tokyo.


Information Sessions by:

 UTokyo GUC (Global Unit Courses): Intensive for-fee short-term summer certificate courses taught by leading faculty members of UTokyo

 USTEP (University-wide Student Exchange Program): Exchange program for undergraduate and graduate students from partner universities*교환학생 관련

 UTokyo Amgen Scholars Program: Summer research internship program in bio-science for undergraduates

 PEAK (Programs in English at Komaba): Four-year undergraduate programs to be taught entirely in English

 Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science: Graduate Admissions, Transfer Program, Summer Internship Program

 Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering: Graduate Admissions, ESEP(Engineering Summer Education Program)

 IPADS(International Program in Agricultural Development Studies), Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences

 Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP) : MPP/IP (Master of Public Policy/International Program), double-degree and exchange programs

 FUTI (Friend of Tokyo, Inc.): Short-term and medium-term scholarships to US and UTokyo students for study abroad at UTokyo or in the US


행사 관련 궁금한 사항은 

 행사 홈페이지 참조 또는 

 동경대학교 담당자 로 문의 바랍니다. 


붙임. 행사포스터 1부 

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