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[홍보] 2025 Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 참가자 모집 안내

Submitted by Editor on 10 July 2024
[홍보] 2025 Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 참가자 모집 안내

The National Research Foundation Singapore (NRF) is excited to announce that the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2025 will take place in Singapore from 6-10 January 2025. SNU will be nominating 5 students. 

Nomination Details

From August to September 2024, nominees will be contacted via email to complete their registration for shortlisting.

Important Notes

  • A nomination does NOT guarantee an invitation to participate in GYSS 2025. The GYSS 2025 Organizing Committee reserves the right to shortlist the nominees. Nominees who do not complete registration will be disqualified.
  • GYSS 2025 will cover:
    • Local hotel accommodation for overseas-based participants (twin-sharing from 6 Jan to 10 Jan 2025)
    • Transportation between the hotel and Summit venue (no airport transfers)
    • Some catered meals (details to be confirmed closer to the date)
  • The Summit will NOT cover:
    • International travel arrangements/costs to and from Singapore
    • Hotel accommodation for locally-based participants

Participant Eligibility

Nominees should be from the following categories:

  • Post-doctoral researchers or equivalent (≤5 years after obtaining a PhD degree at the time of the Summit)
  • Graduate students (Masters and Doctoral)
  • Undergraduate students

All nominees should meet the following criteria:

  • Show a genuine interest in science and research
  • Show a strong commitment to their principal field of study and to interdisciplinary work
  • Received the endorsement of an organisation invited to provide nominees (i.e., nominated through this invitation process)
  • Be fluent in English to actively participate in discussions
  • Not have participated on-site in previous GYSS, except for GYSS 2021 and 2022 (online editions)
  • Not hold a permanent position (scientists with permanent positions, especially at the professor/tenure level, will not be admitted)
  • Institutions are encouraged to submit nominees with an even gender distribution where possible

For queries or clarifications, please contact our secretariat team ( or reply to this email.

We look forward to your nominations and active participation at GYSS 2025!

About the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS)

Since 2013, GYSS has been bridging the gap between aspiring researchers and the foremost scientists and technologists of various fields. Attendees, whether on-site or online, will have the opportunity to engage with distinguished speakers, including recipients of the Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Turing Award, and Millennium Technology Prize.

The Summit offers a series of activities, including:

  • Live plenary lectures
  • Panel discussions
  • Q&A sessions
  • Networking platforms

Participants will also have the chance to:

  • Be part of small group informal sessions with their pre-selected speaker(s)
  • Present their research on stage or through poster sessions
  • Visit institutes of higher learning and other prominent landmarks in Singapore


2025년 1월 6일부터 10일까지 싱가포르에서 개최되는 Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 2025에 참가할 학생 5 명을 선발합니다. 

중요한 사항

  • 최종선발은 국립연구재단 싱가포르(NRF)에서 할 예정이므로 서울대학교에서 선발되셨더라도 GYSS 2025가 보장되는 것은 아닙니다. 
  • GYSS 2025 지원사항:
    • 해외 참가자를 위한 현지 호텔 숙박 (룸메이트와 사용할 트윈룸, 2025년 1월 6일부터 10일까지)
    • 호텔과 서밋 장소 간의 교통편 (공항 이동은 포함되지 않음)
    • 일부 식사 제공 (자세한 내용은 추후 안내)

참가자 자격 요건

  • 박사 후 연구원 또는 이에 상응하는 자 (서밋 시점에서 박사 학위 취득 후 5년 이내)
  • 대학원생 (석사 및 박사 과정)
  • 학부생
  • 모든 참가자는 다음 기준을 충족해야 합니다:

    • 과학과 연구에 대한 진정한 관심을 보여야 합니다.
    • 주된 연구 분야와 학제 간 연구에 대한 강한 열정을 보여야 합니다.
    • 서울대학교의 공식 선발을 받아야 합니다.
    • 영어에 능통하여 토론에 적극적으로 참여할 수 있어야 합니다.
    • 이전 GYSS 현장 행사에 참여한 적이 없어야 합니다. (GYSS 2021 및 2022 온라인 에디션은 예외)
    • 정규직이 아니어야 합니다. (특히 교수/테뉴어 수준의 과학자는 일반적으로 서밋에 초대되지 않습니다.)

관심 있는 학생들의 많은 지원 부탁드립니다.

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