2,710 |
홍콩(SAR)_Hong Kong Polytechnic University_윤성원 |
2013-07-12 |
1224 |
2,709 |
싱가포르_National University of Singapore_이승훈 |
2013-07-12 |
3997 |
2,708 |
싱가포르_Singapore Management University_안현석 |
2013-07-12 |
1938 |
2,707 |
일본_Osaka University_김정훈 |
2013-07-12 |
1335 |
2,706 |
홍콩(SAR)_Hong Kong Polytechnic University_김현우 |
2013-07-12 |
1124 |
2,705 |
중국_칭화(청화)대학교_김소정 |
2013-07-12 |
1540 |
2,704 |
중국_푸단(복단)대학교_이정훈 |
2013-07-12 |
1375 |
2,703 |
홍콩(SAR)_HongKong Polytechnic University_나한나 |
2013-07-12 |
1223 |
2,702 |
싱가포르_National University of Singapore_이윤주 |
2013-07-12 |
1633 |
2,701 |
홍콩(SAR)_Chinese University of Hong Kong_김륜용 |
2013-07-12 |
3060 |
2,700 |
싱가포르_National University of Singapore_전아영 |
2013-07-12 |
1738 |
2,699 |
홍콩(SAR)_Hong Kong University Of science and technology_유혜선 |
2013-07-12 |
2388 |
2,698 |
싱가포르_National University of Singapore_우수경 |
2013-07-12 |
1554 |
2,697 |
캐나다_University of British Columbia_임민희 |
2013-07-09 |
2225 |
2,696 |
미국_Univ. of Pennsylvania_김정민 |
2013-07-09 |
2628 |
2,695 |
호주_Univ. of New South Wales_서지민 |
2013-07-09 |
1333 |
2,694 |
호주_Univ. of Wollongong_김향 |
2013-07-09 |
1386 |
2,693 |
호주_Deakin Univ._이주연 |
2013-07-09 |
1393 |
2,692 |
호주_Deakin Univ._김아름 |
2013-07-09 |
1556 |
2,691 |
호주_Australian National Univ._임소현 |
2013-07-09 |
2490 |